Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Dissertation2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Dissertation2 - Essay ExampleA similar pattern of social influence was also reported by those who were identified as in-group members and as protgs. In-group members and mentored individuals reported greater hire of expert and referent power than out-group members and non-mentored people. Further, out-group members and non-mentored individuals both reported a greater use of coercive power than did in-group members and protgs.Research interest in mentor/protg relationships developed during the 1980s. It arose largely without articulated conceptual links to other topics in social/ organizational psychological science such as leadership, social influence, pro-social behavior, or social exchange. The first studies of this developmental relationship were descriptive and exploratory, such as Krams early research (2003) which identified two functions that mentors provide their protgs career and psychosocial. more than recent research (Noe, 1998a, 458) has examined the process and outcome of formal assigned mentor-protg pairings and, in particular, the difference in outcomes between formal and naturally developing informal mentoring relationships (Chao, Walz, & Gardner, 2002, 619).Noe (1998b, 68) reviewed work on mentoring as it pertains to womens career development. He recommended clarifying the nature of the mentoring construct, suggesting several research questions about the development and effectiveness of these relationships. Noe also stated that the use of leader-member exchange theory may further understanding of the dynamics involved in the formation of mentorships (p. 73). uniform with Noes recommendations, the present study was designed to investigate the convergence of mentoring relationships with another construct in social/organizational psychology high-quality leader-member exchange (LMX). To explore the convergence of LMX and mentoring, we propose that

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